Solo Satoshi Initiative

The Solo Satoshi Initiative is a non-profit effort dedicated to promoting financial inclusion, education, and the decentralization of the Bitcoin network worldwide, especially in developing and less fortunate countries. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities by providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to participate in and benefit from the global Bitcoin ecosystem.

By shipping open-source Bitcoin miners to these regions, we aim to facilitate global Bitcoin mining operations, enabling people to contribute to the network's security and stability while also earning Bitcoin rewards. This approach not only strengthens the decentralization of the Bitcoin network but also offers financial freedom and economic growth for the recipients.

In addition to providing mining hardware, the Solo Satoshi Initiative is committed to delivering comprehensive Bitcoin content such as: How to videos, and best practices for safe and responsible participation in the Bitcoin ecosystem. By fostering a deeper understanding of Bitcoin and its underlying technology, we hope to empower individuals to make informed decisions and become active participants in the global Bitcoin economy.

Our efforts are to create a more equitable and decentralized financial landscape, where individuals in developing countries have equal access to the opportunities provided by Bitcoin. By focusing on education, decentralization, and financial inclusion, the Solo Satoshi Initiative aims to contribute to the long-term sustainability and resilience of the Bitcoin Network, while also bringing adoption to open-source Bitcoin mining on a global scale.




The Numbers

Miners donated: 10

Funds raised: $477.00

Solo Satoshi will be donating a percentage of every sale to the Solo Satoshi Initiative. The donation addresses pictured will be the only address associated with The Solo Satoshi Initiative for 100% transparency and verification. This Crowdfund is created and possible through the one and only BTCpay Server.

Initiative Beneficiaries